Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

1934, 09 Nov 16

Wisconsin Republicans Eye K-12 Spending Increase

What the

Fitzgerald said that means lawmakers may look at putting more money into K-12 schools and the University of Wisconsin System — after cutting funding from them in previous budgets. But he didn’t offer specifics Wednesday. He said part of that is a shift in attitude toward school funding on the part of Gov. Scott Walker.

“When we took over back in 2011, we pushed bold reforms. They worked,” Walker said in a statement. “Since then, we gained seats in the Legislature in 2012, 2014, and now in 2016. Looking ahead, we will invest more to help every child succeed.”

So the voters have given the Republicans a rousing endorsement of their education policies by increasing their majorities in both houses of the legislature after reelecting Walker last year, and they want to go back to the Democrats’ education policies? How does that make sense?

Furthermore, there’s this:

Of the 67 referendums held by school districts in Wisconsin, only 12 failed.

Overall, Wisconsin voters approved $803.83 million in new borrowing for capital improvements at an average of more than $23,642,000.

The taxpayers of these districts just agreed to tax and spend themselves another $803.83 million without the state lawmakers lifting a finger. As I said before, this is Act 10 working. We can reduce state spending on K-12 education and let each local district decide if they want to spend more. There is no reason that the state needs to spend more money. The districts that think they need more are already doing it.

Why would state lawmakers increase taxes on people in school districts who are holding the line on taxing and spending in order to send even more money to districts who have raised their own taxes of of their own authority? Aren’t Republicans supposed to be trying to reduce our tax burden?

State lawmakers need to listen to the voters and stay the course on the conservative reformation – including reducing government spending.


1934, 09 November 2016


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