Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1544, 13 Dec 19

Public Opinion Isn’t Moving on Impeachment

Yup. This doesn’t bode well for Democrats who thought that they could use the impeachment cudgel as an electoral weapon.

The Marquette University Law School poll also showed former Vice President Joe Biden was the only Democratic candidate with an advantage in the state in a predictive match-up with Trump in the 2020 presidential election, though just barely.

Forty percent of the 800 registered voters in Wisconsin queried by the school in early December after most testimony had concluded said Trump should be impeached and removed from office, while 52% did not support that, and 6% said they did not know.

Those numbers were nearly the same as a poll conducted several weeks earlier by the school as the testimony was underway.

“People are dug in,” Charles Franklin, the director of the poll, said in a webcast presentation on the results.


1544, 13 December 2019


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    That’s because Democrats are acting insane.

  2. Mar

    The House and Senate will be a GOP majority and the Dems can only blame themselves.

  3. dad29

    Don’t count the chickens, Mar.  The Pubbies have to run GOOD candidates, which is not their specialty.

  4. Kevin Scheunemann


    Anyone that links to CNN as a serious news source has their own sanity issues.

  5. Le Roi du Nord

    So k, are you calling CNN wrong, or the direct quotes from your leader, found on multiple sources, and reported on TV, radio, and print?

    Just because something is reported on a source you don’t read doesn’t mean it isn’t true, it just means you don’t read much. That goes right to the heart of your aggressive self-imposed ignorance.

  6. Mar

    So what that he said it. The first generation were horrible. They are better now but for the longest time, this was true.
    But who really cares? He will be your president until January 2025. Deal with it like we did with Obama and his lies.

  7. dad29

    Obama and his lies

    If only his lying was his worst offense…..

  8. Mar

    Hey, it’s Saturday morning and I was feeling charitable.

  9. Kevin Scheunemann

    Sanity. Look to engage some.

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