Boots & Sabers

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0642, 19 Sep 14

Mary Burke Plagiarized Jobs Plan


Buzzfeed has broken a bombshell scandal: Wisconsin’s Democratic gubernatorial candidate directly lifted significant portions her jobs plan from three different Democrats: Delaware Governor Jack Markell, Tennessee gubernatorial candidate Ward Cammack, and Indiana gubernatorial candidate John Gregg.

Burke is accused of directly plagiarizing phrases, sentences, and even entire paragraphs from the jobs plans Markell produced in 2008, Cammack wrote in 2009, and Gregg released in 2012.

This shows again that Burke is a complete media fabrication. There’s no substance there. The debates should be fun to watch. And again I would point out that it took a national media outlet to catch this. Once again, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Madison State Journal, Appleton Post-Crescent, and all of the other Wisconsin mainstream media outlets are caught sleeping when it comes to any critical analysis of Burke.


0642, 19 September 2014


  1. Steve Austin

    I thought Burke told us in that commercial that ran during the Packers game that she got her ideas “from Ronald Reagan”. /s

    I think the GOP and all of us need to get this story out on social media and an attack ad asap. This woman (and her puppet-masters the State Dem party) have staked her entire candidacy on the idea that she’s some business savant.

    The bottom line is that everyone knows she’s extremely weak intellectually, probably below people like Dan Quayle and Sarah Palin, who the press decided to destroy based on the concept of being “airheads’.

    The idea that the “Harvard educated business leader” couldn’t come up with any of her own ideas specific to Wisconsin to create jobs is a huge story.

    It presents to the media an opening to investigate everything else about her and her mental firepower, which they have purposely avoided doing to date.

  2. steveegg

    Once again, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Madison State Journal, Appleton Post-Crescent, and all of the other Wisconsin mainstream media outlets are caught sleeping when it comes to buring any critical analysis of their candidate Burke.

    ReWrite™ engaged for Presstitute Organ grinding.

    Related, the two Rat-run Midwest states (Illinois and Minnesota) are predictably worse than Wisconsin when it comes to private-sector jobs, so Burke has her choice of failures to copy.

  3. steveegg

    Lousy auto-italic formatting in the blockquotes wiped out what I added. Let’s try that again, this time with bolded feeling:

    Once again, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Madison State Journal, Appleton Post-Crescent, and all of the other Wisconsin mainstream media outlets are caught sleeping when it comes to buring any critical analysis of their candidate Burke.

    Yes, we are back to “news” outlets being nothing more than press organs of political parties, though the modern Presstitutes are less honest than their 19th-century ancestors.

  4. Steve Austin

    Owen, this post maybe should be stickied at the top over the weekend. This is big stuff.

    When Burke was talked about as the Dems standard bearer about a year ago, most people who knew her, including a bunch of liberals, considered her nothing more than a an airhead trust fund child and were very skeptical. The thought was she would get exposed as a fraud when put under the lights.

    Mike Tate and few others though took that risk under the belief that Burke’s supposed business background would be perfect, since the only weakness Scott Walker had was the 250,000 jobs pledge. So why not nominate Burke because she was the only Dem candidate uniquely suited to talk about jobs and economic development.

    So now it turns out that Burke doesn’t have the intellectual horsepower to even write or create her own jobs plan and the whole thing was outsourced and plagiarized by a consultant in Philly.

    This situation has to force the media to start investigating Burke’s academic credentials at Georgtown and Harvard and actually vet her out as a candidate. As conservatives, we need to stay on this nonstop the next 72-hours.

  5. Kevin Scheunemann

    Maybe she will explain it away by saying that Ronald Reagan would have copied his economic plan from Democrats.

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