Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

0703, 29 Sep 14

Manufacturing Grows in Wisconsin

Some great news.

Manufacturers’ News, Inc.– For a third straight year, industrial employment in Wisconsin posted a gain, reports the 2015 Wisconsin Manufacturers Register®, a manufacturers database and directory published by Manufacturers’ News, Inc. (MNI). According to data collected by MNI, Wisconsin manufacturers added 5,796 jobs, or about one percent, from July 2013 to July 2014, comparable to the 1.1% national average gain as reported by the Labor Department for the same time period.

Manufacturers’ News reports Wisconsin is now home to 10,977 manufacturers employing 574,347 workers.

“Manufacturers in Wisconsin are making gains across a variety of sectors,” says Tom Dubin, President of the Evanston, IL-based publishing company, which has been surveying industry since 1912. “The state’s educated labor pool, lower business costs compared to its neighbors, and flourishing agricultural sector continue to draw investment and support industrial growth.”


0703, 29 September 2014

1 Comment

  1. Recess Supervisor

    I suppose living out of state makes one a bit slow on the uptake sometimes. Just found out you were back. Good to see. We disagree plenty but whether I agreed with a post or not, your blog was always a great way for me to find the news from back home that interests me. It’s like having an outstanding news aggregator for Wisconsin politics – way better and easier than trolling the MJS or WSJ. So thanks much for that!


    – RS

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