Boots & Sabers

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1244, 01 Oct 14

New Poll: Walker Pulling Ahead

It’s very close.

A new Marquette University Law School poll on Wednesday showed Gov. Scott Walker with a 50%-45% lead over challenger Mary Burke among likely voters.

Among registered voters, Walker leads 46%-45%.

The good news is that Walker is moving in the right direction in the polls. With a 5 point lead 5 weeks out from the election, the national money may start drying up for Burke.

Schimel is also moving in the right direction.

In the race for attorney general, Waukesha County District Attorney Brad Schimel, a Republican, leads Jefferson County District Attorney Susan Happ, a Democrat, among likely voters, 41%-39%.

Among registered voters, Schimel and Happ are tied at 37%, with 22% undecided.


1244, 01 October 2014


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