Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0725, 02 Oct 14

Can’t Smell? You’re Going to Die

Let’s be real here… if you can’t smell bacon anymore, perhaps death is the preferable alternative.

(Reuters) – Being unable to smell bacon frying may be far more dire than simply missing out on one of life’s pleasures. In older adults, it could be a predictor of increased risk of death within five years.

In a study of more than 3,000 people aged 57 to 85, 39 percent of subjects who failed a simple smelling test died within five years, according to results published on Wednesday in the science journal PLOS ONE.

That compared with a 19 percent death rate within five years for those with moderate smell loss and 10 percent for those deemed to have a healthy sense of smell.


0725, 02 October 2014


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