Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2018, 25 Oct 14

Killer Doppelganger To Get Car

This kind of makes me wish I looked like a most-wanted fugitive.

News of the factory worker’s run-ins with authorities searching for fugitive Eric Frein, wanted in the Sept. 12 shooting death of one state trooper and wounding of another, has sparked a crowdfunding campaign to buy him a car.

Donations are pouring in and by Friday the campaign had raised nearly $16,000, more than six times the original goal of $2,500.

“I’m overwhelmed with the support from the community and the area,” Tully said in a telephone interview on Friday.

Tully, 39, who says friends tell him he looks like Frein from a distance, said he had been stopped by police at least 20 times on his 4-hour long walks to and from his job at a thermal products factory.


2018, 25 October 2014


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