Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1002, 01 Nov 14

Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire

I thought the announcement by Nigeria was a bit strange given that there wasn’t any comment from Boko Haram.

(CNN) — Boko Haram laughed off Nigeria’s announcement of a ceasefire agreement, saying there is no such deal and the abducted schoolgirls have been converted to Islam and married off.

Nigerian officials announced two weeks ago that they had struck a deal with the Islamist terror group.

The deal, the government said, included the release of more than 200 girls whose kidnapping in April at a boarding school in the nation’s north stunned the world.

In a video released Saturday, the Islamist group’s notorious leader fired off a series of denials.

Perhaps Michelle Obama will take to twitter again and really shame them into submission.


1002, 01 November 2014


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