Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1917, 11 Dec 14

Rebellion In the Flanks

What a world

After debating the $1.1 trillion spending package, the House went into recess around 2 p.m. as leaders scrambled to shore up support for the measure.

Dozens of conservative Republicans — as many as 60 — are expected to oppose the bill because it doesn’t go far enough to combat President Barack Obama’s executive action on immigration. With that many no votes from his own caucus, Boehner will need significant Democratic support to get the bill passed.

But Democratsare taking issue with policy provisions added to the bill addressing campaign finance reform and a key provision of the financial overhaul. Obama is personally making calls to Democrats, according to a White House official, after he released a statement earlier Thursday backing the spending package.

Meanwhile, White House chief of staff Denis McDonough went to Capitol Hill to discuss the bill in a meeting of House Democrats. As he left, he called the huddle a “great opportunity.”

“I really appreciate it,” he said.

So we have the Republican leadership colluding with the Democrat in the White House while the conservative and liberal wings of both parties rebel. Such is the state of government in America…


1917, 11 December 2014


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