Boots & Sabers

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0809, 06 Apr 15

Supreme Donations

It’s no surprise that some of these justices really don’t like each other.

David Prosser, who was involved in a physical altercation with fellow Justice Ann Walsh Bradley almost four years ago, has donated $500 to the candidate trying to unseat her in Tuesday’s election.
Rock County Judge James Daley listed the $500 personal contribution from Prosser on the latest update to his late contribution report filed over the weekend.
Prosser is the only one of the other six justices to have personally made a contribution to either candidate in this spring’s race, according to a check of the GAB’s campaign finance system.
But Seymour Abrahamson, the husband of Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson, donated $10,000 to Bradley split between two donations. And George Roggensack, husband of Justice Pat Roggensack, donated $500 to Daley in November, according to GAB records.

0809, 06 April 2015


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