Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

1654, 09 Apr 15

A Note from Randy Koehler

Randy Koehler, the District 4 Alderman of West Bend who just lost reelection, asked me to share this note. Koehler is a class act whose service on the board was commendable. So while he thanks us, the citizens of West Bend, I encourage all of you to thank him. He’s earned our thanks.

Thank you!

I wish to thank all of my supporters and each and every employee in the city of West Bend especially the West Bend Firefighters who faithfully supported me throughout my years of serving. The past 4 years have been rewarding in many ways and none of the things we accomplished would have been possible without the support of many. I originally campaigned on reworking our city budget to simplify the process and produce a document that was understandable, 4 years ago our budget came in a 4” ring binder and was difficult to decipher, today our budget comes in a half full 1” binder and is easy to read and understand.

I thank each of the city employees who contributed to this change and much thanks to Steve Volkert and Carrie Winklebauer for their efforts. I also vowed to be independent and approachable; to this day I have always answered phone calls and emails and stayed true to the independent thinking I promised.  I vowed to get a sidewalk installed along Highway G and we are currently in the process of completing the legal work and bidding for this project, if all goes as planned we should see that completed for next school year. I have had the opportunity to ride a garbage truck, tag along on a police patrol, ride along on a rescue call, tour our water and wastewater facilities, chat with Parks and Forestry workers, meet with streets and Water personnel, attend the WBPD Citizens Academy and had the opportunity to get to know many of the city employee’s. I can truly say our employees are the greatest asset in our city and I thank each and every one of them for all they do.

I was also afforded the opportunity to work with many elected officials and even when we disagreed on an issue each of them was professional and respectful, I will continue to work with many of them on issues facing our city. I truly enjoyed the past four years and I thank each and every resident for the opportunity to serve them. I will walk away as district 4 alderman with my head held high knowing I did my best to make a difference, now I ask that each of you join me in supporting our local elected officials and help make this city better in any way we can.

Thank you West Bend


1654, 09 April 2015


  1. Kraig Sadownikow

    Good getting to know and working with you Randy…..lots of progress in a short amount of time. Thanks for raising your hand, getting involved, and being part of the solutions.

  2. Judy Steffes

    Thank you Randy. You were one of the best alderman for a number of reasons – you did your homework and were very connected with city employees and taxpayers. From a media standpoint you were easily accessible, called back in a timely fashion and you had an opinion you didn’t back down from. A pleasure working with you and from a taxpayer standpoint I appreciate everything you’ve done to help move the city forward.

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