Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1433, 14 May 15

Feingold Runs for Senate

News that surprises nobody.


Across Wisconsin, people tell me all the time: Our politics in Washington are broken, and multi-millionaires, billionaires, and big corporations are calling all the shots.

Wisconsinites are tired of it, but no one says they want to throw in the towel. And I don’t either.

But if we want to change our politics, we all have to fight together. So let me cut to the chase:

I’m running for United States Senate in Wisconsin, and I wanted you to be one of the first to know. 


1433, 14 May 2015


  1. Jadedly Unbiased

    In the Russ Feingold link at the bottom of this thread from Dec. 5 2014 it was “complete speculation” today it’s “News that surprises nobody.” Feingold has been nearly invisible. No big headlines. I am completely surprised.

    In agree with a Republican strategist Brandon Scholz’s opinion from 12/5/14 “Russ Feingold will not be the Russ Feingold of the last campaign. He will be more worldly, he has stayed out of the fray, he’s not been in the debate on issues and will not have the drag of Obama on him. It will be hard to wrap Russ Feingold in the Obama agenda.”

    Johnson’s in for the fight of his life.

  2. kay

    I have come to thing of Johnson as a politcal version of Jay Culter. Replacing him with Feingold would be an improvement.

  3. Kevin Scheunemann


    If any politician in this state is Jay Cutler, it’s Tom Barrett.

  4. Jadedly Unbiased

    I agree, Johnson is worthless. He is just another political puppet and the party is elbow deep manipulating his every move. Can’t say I would vote for Feingold but at this time bring in the second stringer.

  5. scott

    I had Johnson pegged as a thoughtless ideologue during his first campaign when he told WPR it was “proven” that lowering taxes will increase tax revenue. He’s not even in the same league as Feingold. Speaking of whom, I remember as the guy who stood up and voted against the USA PATRIOT act. His losing to Johnson was painful. I suppose I’ll feel much better after this next go round.

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