Boots & Sabers

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2023, 15 May 15

Walker Hires McConnell Aide

This doesn’t help me get excited about his candidacy.

Scott Walker’s political organization is beefing up its policy muscle, plucking a top leadership aide to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell from Capitol Hill, sources said on Friday morning.

Andrew Bremberg, an adviser and counsel to McConnell on Senate nominations, will join the Wisconsin governor’s Our American Revival group, which is serving as Walker’s political platform as he mulls a presidential run.


2023, 15 May 2015

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    I feel same way about Senator McConnell.

    However, if American Enterprise Institute (AEP) likes the move, it’s possible Bremberg is a good policy conservative hamstrung by McConnell.

    Generally, AEP is a good free enterprise think tank. I like them almost as much as Heritage and CATO.

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