Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1306, 26 Jul 15

Dimitrijevic Steps Down

Aw, shucks.

Milwaukee County Board Chairwoman Marina Dimitrijevic is stepping down from the post she has held since April 2012.

On Friday, Dimitrijevic notified supervisors of a scheduled July 30 election for a new board chair to complete her current term that ends in 2016. The election for chair will be held during the regularly scheduled board meeting that day.

Dimitrijevic will continue to serve as chair until Thursday’s election, she says in correspondence to supervisors.

Though she did not give a reason for her decision, Dimitrijevic reminded supervisors that when Gov. Scott Walker signed Act 14 into law two years ago — cutting the power, resources and pay of the County Board — it “was the worst of times.”

And although she didn’t state a reason, we can guess.

A Wisconsin chapter of the left-leaning Working Families Party has asked Dimitrijevic to become its executive director. The group, active in seven states and Washington, D.C., plans to establish a Wisconsin office this fall.

It looks like Act 14 is beginning to work by incenting the incompetent and malcontents to seek greener pastures.



1306, 26 July 2015


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