Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2202, 17 Aug 15

Walker Responds to Protesters


Gov. Scott Walker mixed it up with protesters at the Iowa State Fair Monday, telling a crowd he would not back down from anyone, regardless of party affiliation.

While Walker was speaking at the Des Moines Register’s soapbox, protesters, some in foam cheese head hats, shouted back at the guv and booed. But they often were drowned out by Walker supporters.

At one point, a man carrying a yellow sign reading, “Warning don’t let Scott Walker do to America what he did to Wisconsin” made his way to the front of the stage. Walker said the left doesn’t want him to be the GOP nominee because it knows “I don’t just talk, I deliver on my promises.” He then singled out the man with the sign.

“I am not intimidated by you, sir, or anyone else out there,” Walker said as someone knocked the sign out of the man’s hands.

Clearly, after his vanilla debate performance and drop in the polls, Walker’s team has decided that he should take a edgier tone. The problem, as I see it, is that it is against Walker’s nature. He has never been one to yell or lambaste opponents. It is really difficult to pull off behavior that is against the candidate’s nature for very long. It starts to look inauthentic and manufactured – because it is.


2202, 17 August 2015


  1. dad29

    And then he appears on Beck and indirectly slams Ryan, Johnson, and Priebus!

    We’re all Ted Cruz now.

  2. Northern Pike

    “I am not intimidated by you, sir, or anyone else out there,” Walker said.

    That is patently false. He’s intimidated by police union bosses.

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