Boots & Sabers

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1520, 24 Aug 15

Abele Hires Tate


Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele appears to be getting serious about his political future.

Abele recently hired ex-Democratic Party Chairman Mike Tate as a political consultant. Tate is working for Abele’s campaign for six weeks, a contract that runs through the end of this month.

Tate said Friday that he is providing campaign advice in advance of Abele’s 2016 re-election campaign. Tate added that the two have been good friends for a while and that he respects the job Abele is doing in Milwaukee County.

Of all of the Democrats in Wisconsin, Abele is the strongest one with a viable chance of winning the governorship in 2018 if he decides to run (he’s widely believed to be positioning himself for just that). The fact that he is hiring people with such a deplorable record in getting Democrats elected bodes well for Republicans. May he please take every bit of Tate’s advice…


1520, 24 August 2015


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    I’m happy!

    The only thing that would make me happier is if Hillary hired Tate to run her campaign!

  2. Hello

    Slightly off topic……I’m actually kind of surprised in terms of Abele’s performance as county exec. I expected him to screw a lot of stuff up. From what little I’ve followed it seems he has as many problems with the board as Walker did. I’m not voting for him for Gov, just pleasantly surprised

  3. Owen

    I agree. He’s been a pretty decent county executive and is something of a budget hawk. That’s what makes him viable as a statewide Democrat. He’s the only high profile Democrat who is somewhat fiscally conservative and socially liberal. It’s a rare breed in Wisconsin’s Democratic Party nowadays.

  4. Steve Austin

    And that is why Scott Walker can win three Governor’s races sandwiched around an Obama presidential blowout.

    This is a blue state socially and a red state fiscally. Doyle flat out couldn’t control taxes and the people were ticked so out he goes.

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