Boots & Sabers

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1714, 29 Aug 15

Suspect Charged in Execution of Texas LEO

Thank goodness they caught him so quickly. And I have some faith that, assuming they got the right guy, that he will be given the death penalty.

Authorities have arrested a suspect in the “execution-style” shooting of a uniformed Texas sheriff’s deputy.

Shannon J. Miles, 30, has been charged with capital murder in the fatal shooting of Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren H. Goforth, officials said Saturday afternoon.

Goforth, 47, was killed Friday night after exiting a Houston gas station convenience store.

Miles was charged with capital murder Saturday afternoon after being questioned as a person of interest by authorities. Police say they are not looking for additional suspects.


Miles has a previous criminal record, which includes trespassing and disorderly conduct with a firearm, Hickman said. A weapon from Goforth’s shooting was recovered, and ballistics tests “indicate it is a match” with a weapon belonging to Miles, he added.


Investigators did not know what the motive was and believe the suspect targeted the married father of two simply because he was in uniform.



1714, 29 August 2015


  1. Fairs Fare

    It appears they did get the right guy but it also appears that he will not get the death penalty. He’s already avoided jail because of mental illness and has been institutionalized. Maybe, this time around he can share the padded room next to Ann Coulter and she can call him names for the next twenty years. Congratulations Ms. Coulter, between her and Donald Trump I sure don’t regret pulling my support for the party. This crazy cop killer and Ms. Coulter can be the poster children for revamping the way we deal with the mentally ill. Especially, when it comes to guns.

  2. Daniel

    How is it everyone who does things like this is “mentally ill” now? Sometimes people are just bad people. Can we stop making excuses for criminals?

  3. Fairs Fare

    I’m afraid and sorry to say in this case it appears this shooter was by all accounts a loose nut. He’s not loose anymore but is clearly nuts. As long as he’s put away for life I don’t really care if it’s prison or mental facility.

  4. Fairs Fare

    What excuse will people make for County Clerk Kim Davis? Is she mentally ill or completely sane? Does a belief give someone the right to break the law?

  5. scott

    I don’t think anyone’s making excuses for anything. The guy has a history of serious mental illness. That isn’t made up. Not that it matters in the slightest. He’ll go to prison in any case.

  6. Fairs Fare

    Why is it when a black four year old gets gunned down its an investigation but when a police officer gets gunned down its a manhunt with hundreds of state, county and local cops participating? Maybe if we responded to or treated all gun related crimes the same we would see a reduction in the violence.

  7. Owen

    Hey FF,

    As a general rule, if you find that you have written 5 of 7 comments on a thread – including 3 consecutive comments – you are trolling. It’s annoying.


  8. Fairs Fare

    Point taken and my apologies.

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