Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1644, 01 Oct 15

Leader of Agency About to be Dismantled Protests Timing


Government Acountability Board Chair Gerald Nichol is asking legislative leaders to hold off on legislation to split the agency in two, raising concerns the move “could have serious consequences” for the 2016 elections.

But GOP leaders said they met Wednesday morning to finalize the bill and hope to introduce it next week.

Nichol wrote all four caucus leaders “we have already seen an exodus of staff members who perform critical functions” due to uncertainty over the agency’s future. He also noted 2016 will be the first year of “full statewide use of photo ID.” It was in effect only for the spring 2012 primary before being blocked in federal court. Since being allowed to go into effect, it has been in place for a handful of local and special elections.

There’s always an election around the corner and there’s always changes being made to the process of elections. If anything, Nichol’s letter should be a motivation to scrap the GAB sooner rather than later to give the new folks time to prepare.



1644, 01 October 2015


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