Boots & Sabers

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1312, 09 Oct 15

Walker Appoints Bradley to Supreme Court

Good, I think.

Gov. Scott Walker announced today he is appointing Judge Rebecca Bradley to the state Supreme Court.

The appointment to fill the vacancy left by the death of Justice Pat Crooks has been widely expected.

After Crooks announced he would not seek another term next spring, conservative groups signaled their intentions to support Bradley once she formally announced plans last month to run for the seat. She also was viewed as conservatives’ preferred pick after she applied for the vacancy alongside Madison attorney Claude Covelli and Dane County Judge Jim Troupis.

What’s more, Walker has previously appointed Bradley to the Milwaukee County bench and the appeals court.

From a practical point of view, it’s a great decision. Bradley is qualified and reportedly a very bright mind. Wisconsin is better off having the seat occupied by a great judge than sitting vacant until next year.

From a political point of view, it’s a mixed bag. Bradley was already running for the seat and is the early favorite. She will have the power of incumbency, but the election will now be much more of a conversation about Walker, who is not too popular in Wisconsin these days.

In any case, congratulations to Rebecca Bradley. Her appointment makes Wisconsin’s Supreme Court one of the most conservative (and I think most female) courts in the country.



1312, 09 October 2015


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