Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2128, 15 Oct 15

Islamic State Going After America’s Power Grid

This is why you can’t let evil fester – even if it’s currently thousands of miles away.

The Islamic State is trying to hack American electrical power companies — but they are terrible at it.

U.S. law enforcement officials revealed the hack attempts on Wednesday at a conference of American energy firms who were meeting about national security concerns.

“ISIL is beginning to perpetrate cyberattacks,” Caitlin Durkovich, assistant secretary for infrastructure protection at the Department of Homeland Security, told company executives.


2128, 15 October 2015


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Obama: surrendering to evil since 2008.

  2. scott

    Yeah, I really long for the days when GW went after evil. He started a war nobody needed and then said he basically didn’t care where Bin Laden was. That’s some leadership right there.

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