Boots & Sabers

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1531, 24 Nov 15

Comparing Milwaukee’s Police Force

Here’s an interesting tidbit from Bruce Murphy.

The most recent statistics from U.S. Bureau of Justice from May 2015 (with statistics from 2013) look at the level of police in the 50 largest local police departments in America and Milwaukee, with 38 sworn officers per 10,000 residents, has more per capita than all but eight of the 50 biggest cities. The number of sworn officers ranks from a low of 10 per 10,000 residents in San Jose to 61 in Washington, D.C.

Washington, as the nation’s capitol, with unique policing issues, is likely an outlier. Remove it from the list and the next biggest force per capita is Baltimore’s, with 47 sworn officers per 10,000 residents. Baltimore is the only comparably-sized city with more police per capita than Milwaukee. The others are far bigger cities like New York, Chicago and Philadelphia.


1531, 24 November 2015

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    The problem is: Milwaukee Police force is not allowed to deal with crime.

    They are frowned upon when they try to lock up thieves and some other criminal offenders in deemed protected liberal classes.

    If the liberal politics was taken out of MPD and Milwaukee DA, it would improve this issue.

    Milwaukee could have 1000 officers per 10,000 and it would be same result with liberals calling the crime fighting, or lack thereof, shots.

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