Boots & Sabers

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1025, 09 Jan 16

Clinton’s Cavalier Treatment of National Security

Rules are for the little people.

The June 17, 2011, exchange focused on a set of “talking points” on an unspecified subject that Clinton had waited for since the previous evening. After senior adviser Jake Sullivan emailed her about “issues sending secure fax,” Clinton suggested he turn it “into nonpaper w/no identifying heading and send nonsecure.”

Nonpaper refers to an informal document, without official markings like letterhead or logos, not saved for records.


1025, 09 January 2016


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    It continues to amaze me that liberals stick up for Walker John Doe probe for the “crime” of free speech, yet do not call for an investigation of actual crimes that Hillary has commited when it comes to the treason of handling classified material.

    I’m waiting for Baldy to call liberals that do that “hypocrites”.

  2. old baldy


    I won’t say it because you are once again lacking in truthiness. The John Doe was investigating an alleged crime. Seems like there were some convictions, no? And free speech really wasn’t the issue, as the investigation involved alleged violation of an existing law.

    If there is sufficient proof to prosecute Ms. Clinton for violations of the law, I say, (as a law and order kinda guy), go for it. No hypocrisy there.

  3. Kevin Scheunemann

    Will you call liberals that support John Doe, but not an inestigation into Clinton “hypocrites”?

  4. old baldy


    You should be smart enough to know that comparison can’t be made. That is apples to oranges.

    Once there is sufficient reason to believe a crime has been committed and a formal investigation has been initiated into an alleged crime committed by Clinton, I’m all for it. Let’s ferret out criminals wherever they lay, under the dome in Madison or Washington. No hypocrisy here.

  5. Jason

    >Once there is sufficient reason to believe a crime has been committed and a formal investigation has been initiated into an alleged crime committed by Clinton, I’m all for it. Let’s ferret out criminals wherever they lay, under the dome in Madison or Washington. No hypocrisy here

    The hypocrisy here us that there was never sufficient reason to believe a crime was committed in any of the John Doe investigations… Upwards of 150 people investigated??? How many charged, and ultimately how many convicted?

    You’re a real Turd McMuffin, Baldy.

  6. old baldy


    You better get current. There were a number of walker staffers convicted. Now say you are sorry..

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