Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2120, 20 Jan 16

Civil Service Reform Heads to Walker’s Desk


The bill applies to the state’s civil service, nearly all state workers except the University of Wisconsin System and the Wisconsin National Guard. It would replace state civil service exams with a resume-based hiring system.

Other provisions would determine layoffs from state agencies based on job performance instead of seniority, extend probationary time for new hires, outline specific offenses for which employees can be immediately terminated and centralize the hiring process within the Department of Administration.

The only thing in this bill I’m not keen on is the centralizing hiring. As a general principle, hiring decisions should be kept as close to the edge as possible. I don’t see a good enough justification for centralizing those decisions. As for the rest of it… good stuff.


2120, 20 January 2016


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