Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2102, 24 Jan 16

Milwaukee Leaders Bemoan Their Failed Policies

Let’s see… they advocate lenient sentencing – particularly on juveniles – and enact a “no chase” policy for stolen cars. Did they not expect any consequences?

Another stolen vehicle, another crash. Another fatality.

This one involved a 16-year-old Milwaukee boy who was driving a stolen Toyota Camry when it T-boned another car at N. Port Washington Road and W. Capitol Drive on Saturday morning.

It is part of a dangerous trend in Milwaukee that drew condemnation from Mayor Tom Barrett on Sunday afternoon at the District 3 police station, where he and other city leaders spoke out against the rise in car thefts, carjackings and crashes involving stolen vehicles.


In the six weeks before Milwaukee police created a task force on Dec. 1 to investigate the skyrocketing number of carjackings and stolen vehicles, a total of 94 cases were reported, said Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn. Since last March, nine people have been killed in crashes involving stolen vehicles.

Just last week, Milwaukee police arrested 14, including 10 juveniles, in four carjacking cases in an 18-hour span.


2102, 24 January 2016


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    It’s like the cast of SNL are in charge of Milwaukee. Like SNL, their schtick is unfunny and a waste of time, unless they finally embrace, in action, some conservative law and order policies.

  2. old baldy

    I thought Tina Fey did a great and spot-on imitation of Palin the other night.

  3. Kevin Scheunemann


    Would not know. SNL is painful too watch because it is so unfunny. Even Donald Trump was marginal hosting a few weeks ago, but made it substantially less painful to watch when I caught clips on You tude…coincidently, liberals found that SNL unfunny for first time ever by the blazing headlines folowing the Trump hosting.

  4. JSR

    About the only piece of SNL that I watch anymore is the opening sketch. That is often still good. While there is an occasional piece later in the show that I catch on a web site after it’s pointed out by someone, it’s just too painful to watch the dreck that passes for humor these days.

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