Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0942, 11 Feb 16

Car Thief Gets Beat Up

Justice comes in many forms.

The photo shows a teen laying in the snow after he was beaten. Police said he tried stealing a car, but was stopped and attacked by a group of men.

Attempted carjacking suspect beaten & stripped near 33rd and Scott

“I saw the photo and I was really displeased by it. It made my stomach turn,” Tietyen-Mlengana said.

It happened near 33rd and Scott on Monday afternoon, February 8th.

Bob Donovan is the alderman of the district where the incident occurred. He is calling what happened “street justice.”

Car thefts are an epidemic in Milwaukee thanks, largely, to the inept and weak response from the mayor and the criminal justice system. Can you really blame people for taking it into their own hands when the system is failing them? Hopefully this kid has finally learned his lesson and will get his act together.


0942, 11 February 2016

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    I blame Chisolm for this as well.

    When you leave thugs roam the streets on their touted catch and release liberalism…good people need to act against the criminal evil.

    Nothing else, inistitutional in liberal Milwaukee, seems to be countering the criminal.

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