Boots & Sabers

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2142, 19 Feb 16

Doe Inquisitors Lash Out


Milwaukee County investigators fired back Friday at Attorney General Brad Schimel in a court filing, calling his public statements about their actions in a halted John Doe probe into Gov. Scott Walker’s recall campaign “defamatory” and “unacceptable.”

Last month, Schimel asked a federal judge in a related lawsuit not to block the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s order that the investigators turn over evidence collected in the John Doe investigation, which the state court halted in July.

In a statement issued the same day as his filing, Schimel said the state high court determined investigators “are requesting the federal court contradict the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s order requiring that the evidence unlawfully seized by the John Doe investigators be kept under seal.”

Schimel also told conservative talk radio hosts that day that the investigators were illegally holding the evidence and that they “stole” it, according to a transcript of the interview.


2142, 19 February 2016


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Chisolm is a thief.

    He should be charged with public corruption.

  2. old baldy


    If you have proof admissible at trial of those accusations bring it forward and see how things work out.

  3. Kevin Scheunemann


    So why do you not hold Chisolm to same standard?

  4. old baldy


    Who said I don’t? He got 6 convictions out of JD 1, never got to finish JD 2. And if Chisholm is guilty of any crime I would support prosecution to the fullest extent of the law. That is why you should step forward with any and all information you seem to have.

  5. Kevin Scheunemann

    I support Schimel use the same passion against Chislom, Chisolm showed against Walker…is that a problem?

    (Why will Chisolm not go after car thieves, and violent crime with 2% of the passion he had for John Doe #2 witch hunt?)

  6. old baldy


    Is that really 2%? Or 5%, or maybe 20%? Let’s see some proof for that claim. And while you are at it, let’s see something to prove your allegation that Chisolm is guilty of theft and public corruption (whatever that is).

  7. Dave

    Kevin, I’ll tell you why he pursued JD 2 more than car thieves. Violating election law and possibly gaining office on the taxpayer’s dime is a bigger crime than stealing a car. JD 1 had 6 convictions. Made sense to dig deeper as common sense tells you that those six did not act on their own. Common sense also tells you the reason the conservative court stopped the process.

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