Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

1727, 14 Mar 16

Wisconsin Senate Ends Session with a Whimper

Sad end to a pretty good legislative session.

The Senate also doesn’t plan to take up a bill that would penalize local governments for allowing so-called “sanctuary cities” — a proposal that drew about 20,000 protesters to the Capitol in February — and will take up just three of 10 bills the Assembly passed aimed at combating Alzheimer’s and dementia, according to a calendar released on Monday by Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald’s office.

Among the bills the Senate plans to take up are proposals that would ban the flying of drones over state prisons, ban drivers from using cell phones in construction zones, reduce the amount of money public school districts can levy to offset the cost of school vouchers and a bill that would formally allow churches to have live Christmas trees, regardless of fire hazard.

Because the Assembly concluded its business in February, Tuesday marks the end of the Legislative session and the last shot the bills had at being successful.


1727, 14 March 2016


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