Boots & Sabers

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2232, 01 Apr 16

Obama Flashes Peace Sign

What a clown.

Surrounded by world leaders, President Barack Obama gave the peace sign as they gathered for a ‘team photo’ during a two-day nuclear summit.

All eyes were on Obama as 54 other presidents and prime ministers joined him in Washington, DC, for crunch talks on Iran and terrorist threats involving nuclear weapons.


2232, 01 April 2016


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Message: U.S. is ready to surrender to evil at anytime. We no longer fight for freedom and what is good and right.

  2. old baldy


    You obviously don’t like Obama, and no doubt don’t know (nor does Owen) that many of us serving in VN used the peace sign as an expression of our disgust with the war, but explain how you can turn that into:

    “Message: U.S. is ready to surrender to evil at anytime. We no longer fight for freedom and what is good and right”.

    As Owen would say, “what a clown”.

  3. Kevin Scheunemann


    I don’t have a problem with peace.

    What I have a problem with is: Peace that allows evil to flourish and hurt the innocent.

    Examples of Obama doing this:

    1.) Allowing ISIS to flourish and kill the innocent.

    2.) Cozying up to Cuba and destroying the hope of all those oppressed by those liberal socialists of standing up for what is good and right.

    3.) Cozying up to Iran while Iranian leaders and people shout “Death to America” and hold our people hostage.

    I could go on, but these 3 examples alone, Obama has made the world a more dangerous place, not a more peaceful place. Evil has been allowed to flourish and been encouraged, especially in case of Cuba, rather than taking a stand for freedom and liberty.

    I don’t hate Obama. I hate what he stands for, especially when he embraces evil and excuses it.

  4. Northern Pike

    Oh yes, incredibly clownish to flash the sign that yearns for a world in which people don’t slaughter each other.

    I’d much rather have the guy who donned the flight suit and preened with the Mission Accomplished banner one month into an infinite war.

  5. old baldy


    So as a big Cruz supporter, do you feel we should bomb our enemies “until the ground glows” ? That will earn the US tremendous respect from other nations of the world, and bankrupt (both morally and fiscally) the US. But based on your extensive experience with the military and strategy it comes as no surprise that you would agree with Cruz, who has a similar amount of experience.

    “embraces evil and excuses it”. More from your Book of Made Up Stuff.

  6. Kevin Scheunemann


    Did I say bomb “until the ground glows?”

    Standing up against evil may be as simple as calling the evil out and not sucking up to and shaking hands with the evil.

  7. old baldy

    “until the ground glows”?

    The quote is directly from Cruz.

    “may be as simple as calling the evil out and not sucking up to and shaking hands with the evil” Did they teach you that at OCS or AIT ?? Or is it that you just don’t have a clue?

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