Boots & Sabers

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1740, 22 Apr 16

West Bend City Administrator Charged with Felony Child Enticement-Prostitution

Wow. This is pretty huge news for our little city. Via the Washington County Insider.

West Bend City Administrator T.J. Justice has been suspended with pay and is under investigation.

West Bend Mayor Kraig Sadownikow said there is an ongoing criminal investigation being performed by law enforcement in Waukesha County.

The city of West Bend Police Department will also be performing its own investigation.


Records from Waukesha County Court show a pair of search warrants were issued on April 22.
COURT ORDERED A $5,000.00 CASH BOND IN ADDITION TO A $20,000.00 SIGNATURE BOND. Defendant to comply with I.D. Processing. Defendant to have no contact with V. d/o/b 2/26/99 or her mother K listed in the Criminal Complaint.

Defendant to not access the internet for any purpose other than for employment during normal work hours to access the internet. Defendant to have no contact with juvenile females under the age of 18 in person or by text. Defendant allowed non collect phone calls.

According to Waukesha County Court records Justice is charged with a pair of felony counts of soliciting a child for prostitution and Child Enticement-Prostitution.


Despite the information, Justice allegedly continued the pursuit, writing:

  • “The age thing doesn’t bother me as long as we stay honest with each other. I can offer some income here and there for you on the side.”
  • “We had a deal worked out once … I’m guessing you were 15 when we first chatted which is fine just be honest with things.”
  • “I’d love to explore the Sugar Daddy thing but it would HAVE to stay between us and I’d wanna talk to you by phone first.”
  • “We have sex… you get money and maybe shopping every once in a while or I pick you up jewelry here and there.”
  • “Your age is a turn on accept that and let’s figure this out babe.”

The teen’s mother ultimately turned over the phone to the Muskego Police Department. A detective there continued conversing with Justice, posing as “V.”

UPDATE: Washington County Insider has a copy of the criminal complaint.

Warning: graphic stuff ahead.



1740, 22 April 2016


  1. Anonymous

    I never cared for people who go by initials only – hard to track them down. First report referred to him as Thomas M. Justice, so I did not think it was “T.J.” until an update ID’ed him as City Administrator. So I’m not sure why he goes by “T.J.” – my wife thinks that it might mean “Thomas Junior”.

    As I recall, there was an issue that had to do with false information related to education on his resume discovered when he was promoted to City Administrator.

    Hopefully there aren’t other buried bones to dig up.

  2. old baldy

    justice doofus:

    Slander and libel are just around the corner for you. Still the class act.

  3. Anonymous

    Have 9″ (& Viagra), will travel.

  4. Saul Goodman

    Can’t slander or libel an anonymous web handle. Idiot.

  5. Saul Goodman

    Can’t press a libel claim unless you can prove you were harmed. Hurt feelings isn’t harm. Idiot.

  6. All Knowing

    Ed Duquaine is the one who brought this skum to West Bend. Remember how he found him after his group did away with the former City Administrator?
    The acts of TJ were done in 2015 and now Ed Duquaine decided not to run for
    City Alderman! Wow!!! It sure is getting HOT in West Bend now!

  7. Anonymous

    I thought he was hired by the former administrator as the Director of Development. Then when the former administrator resigned, the Council appointed Justice as City Administrator/Director Development.

  8. old baldy


    Better finish that mail order law degree.

  9. All Knowing

    When Ed Duquaine’s people forced out John Capelle, Ed found this skum.
    John Capelle was not unlike all of engineers, attorneys, city inspectors
    city administrators, etc.,etc., ect., that this group has one by one
    eliminated from employment in the City of West Bend. The paper work
    might say retirement but do you have a choice when they have a agenda
    to eliminate your position and bring in their yes men. Anonymous haven’t
    you ever watched the Monday night cartoons on West Bend cable?

  10. Anonymous

    All Knowing, you said he was found by Duquaine “after his group did away with the former City Administrator”. My recollection is that he was found before that.

  11. Mark Maley

    I would like to hear from the officials other than the mayor who can’t speak about how
    The process worked in vetting MrJustice

    You gave us to him and kept him after it was found ( with one phone call never made by the city ) that he had obfuscated his graduation from college .

    He lied and he was either so cheap or so good that you overlooked that minor fact and
    Stood behind his work and character .

    To all the City Council members during his tenure , he is your decision 100% .

    Randy , Ed et all

    Explain again to us how the process worked and how he was the right guy for the job .

  12. Owen

    Frankly, Mark, I’m less interested in that than I am in knowing Justice’s behavior on the job and if bad behavior was ignored or covered up. Generally, bad people can’t hide their nature all of the time. Was he inappropriate with staff? Visitors? Did he make unwelcome advances toward women? Kids? Were there prior complaints? If so, what was done about them?

    Unfortunately, since it’s a personnel issue, the city can’t be very forthcoming in answering those questions, but the truth will have to come out eventually.

  13. Randy

    OK, MM and others. He was originally hired as Director of Community Development after an extensive search, he was not found or brought in by Ed. The one phone call by WF revealed nothing other than the fact he was on a witch hunt. The education issue was disclosed in his original interview and discussed in closed session. He did not list a degree and the position did not require one. His experience was deep in local and state development and was validated. A complete and thorough background check going back to childhood was also completed, nothing was found. What he has done is horrible and I don’t believe anyone of us could ever have seen this coming. I am not aware of any complaints related to his interaction at city hall. This has everything to do with TJ, not the Mayor or Council, place blame where it belongs instead of turning it political.

  14. Ralph

    If an individual falsifies information on their resume, it’s simple…his resume must be tossed faster than it was submitted.

  15. Anonymous

    Not listing something is not necessarily falsification.

  16. Ralph

    It IS falsification when you claim to have graduated and indeed did NOT

  17. Mark Maley


    That response simply doesn’t cut it .

    You discussed him deliberately avoiding the issue of his graduation but you guys decided that was OK?

    That because the position didn’t require it and he seemed capable , you wished it away?

    You were publicly called on your decision that lying on an an application wasn’t a big deal and its politics ?

    He should not have been given the job .

    This isn’t political , it’s calling the folks who hired him on giving him the job in the first place knowing her lacked the “character ” to tell the truth in the most mundane of issues

    Your group was perfectly willing to keep this “under wraps ” after closed session because the public didn’t need to know ?

    I remember a coach at Notre Dame losing his position because he lied on his resume .

    He lied , but the university didn’t just blame Coach O’Leary , it issued a seperate apology for their lack of vetting ,
    Disappointing its alumnae and the institution itself

    This is using the ” nothing to see here, move on ” strategy of the professional politicians I’m sure you criticize routinely

    Please dont defend your process. It failed and
    Caused the city you love great public embarrassment .

    Man up and own it

  18. Mark Maley

    While I agree with you 100% on your post , I’m not willing to let the folks who brought him here off the hook quite so easily .

    People make mistakes and people are forgiven for them , if they own them .

    It’s the ” we did nothing wrong ” that just doesn’t fly .

  19. Steve Austin

    I don’t know all the hiring details like you guys do, but your debate in the posts above highlight for me a major problem we’ve got with liberalism that is going to continue to get worse.

    We’ve got our liberal friends always telling us that we need to do away with things like employer or landlord rights, CCAP, etc.

    “Was I a felon? nah, shouldn’t be required to disclose that ever on any forms and if you hire me and I steal from you, no big deal”

    “Are there things in my past that would lead someone to believe I might not be a good hire or that I shouldn’t be around children? Totally irrelevant, you need to hire or rent to me regardless, otherwise it is discrimination you know”

    We’re going to continue to go down the drain as a society if we continue to send mixed messages to people and don’t hold them accountable across all aspects of life.

  20. old baldy


    Just and FYI: It is the current governor and legislature that wants to restrict access to CCAP, not “our liberal Friends”. Ditto for open records and transparency in government. Just thought you might like to know.

  21. old baldy

    Correction: Just “an” FYI.

  22. Mark Maley


    I get nervous when conservatives or liberals bask in the thin air of the moral high ground

    This is about good , effective government in whatever large or small doses you choose to accept as necessary .

    Because the group running the city held themselves up as practitioners of good , necessary government , their actions here deserve review

    Nothing political about that

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