Boots & Sabers

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0825, 30 Jul 16

Around the Bend by Judy Steffes

Will Democrats cross party line to vote in county races

The Partisan Primary Election is Tuesday, August 9 and there’s an interesting conundrum ahead for Democrats in Washington County who want to vote for the next county clerk, treasurer and register of deeds.

“At a Partisan Primary Election you are voting for the candidates in one party of your choice to move on to the November ballot,” said Washington County Clerk Brenda Jaszewski.

All the candidates running for Washington County Clerk are listed under the Republican Party including Ashley Reichert, Braedy Helmbrecht and Aggie Pruner. Jane Merten and Sharon Martin are also listed under the Republican Party as they run for respective seats as County Treasurer and Register of Deeds.

“You can vote one party in August – that’s it.  If you try to write in the name of a ballot candidate that’s already on the ballot, from one party to the other party, it will not be counted,” said Jaszewski.  “You can certainly write the name in but it will not be counted.”

Jaszewski said if a different name is written in, that is not on the ballot under a different party, it will be counted because there are no Democratic candidates.

In essence, Democrats, Libertarians, Green Party and Constitution Party in Washington County are not voting for a ballot candidate for County Clerk, County Treasurer or Register of Deeds, unless they choose to vote only under the county category in the Republican Party Primary.

Jaszewski said one candidate selected from the county races will move on to the November Election.  “Every August we hear ‘I’ve always been able to vote for more than one party,’” said Jaszewski. “Well if you did and you did not choose a party preference then no one on your ballot counted.”

Jaszewski clarified, “If you do choose a party preference, and you vote for more than one party, only the candidates you voted for in the party that you filled in the oval for the party preference will be counted,” she said.

Technically, according to Jaszewski, you “don’t have to fill in the party preference oval, but it you don’t and then you cross over nothing on the ballot is counted.”

Jaszewski ordered a total of 60,925 ballots for the August Partisan Primary. It’s a large number but Jaszewski said it doesn’t represent the anticipated turnout, more so it’s because of spoiled ballots.

“We have so many who crossover vote and have to do it over; I just didn’t want to run out of ballots,” she said. “If a person does cross over the new machines at the polls will kick the ballot out, not accept it and then the person has to start with a new ballot.”

Jaszewski warns if people vote absentee and cross over party lines, nothing on their ballot will be counted.

The election for County Clerk is because Jaszewski is retiring at the end of the year. Jaszewski started with the county as the Account Clerk in April 1991. She has served as the county clerk since 2005.

On a side note: County administrator Joshua Schoemann is taking an ordinance to the County Board that would allow whoever wins the August primary for County Clerk, that person will come into Jaszewski’s office and training with her the rest of the year.

All three candidates for County Clerk are county employees. Reichert works in the Sheriff’s Office, Helmbrecht works in the county attorney’s office and Pruner is a legal secretary in the district attorney’s office.

The ordinance would make a part-time position that’s open in the county clerk’s office a full-time position. The pay scale for that new position, according to the county Human Resources Department, would be as close to the winning candidate’s current pay grade which ranges from about $18 an hour to $24 an hour.

I’m still checking to see whether the ordinance has a timeline/end date on the new full-time position or whether it would be permanent.

Meet the candidates for Wash. Co. Clerk

There are three candidates running for Washington County Clerk: Ashley Reichert, Braedy Helmbrecht and Aggie Pruner. On Tuesday, August 2 Common Sense Citizens will host a forum/meet and greet for all three candidates. The event kicks off at 7 p.m. at the West Bend Moose Lodge. The meeting is open to the public and don’t forget to bring a common sense friend.

On August 4 Washington County GOP Pints & Politics will be hosting an event from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Guests include candidates Aggie Pruner and Ashley Reichert. The event is at Riverside Brewery, 225 S. Main Street.

Sadownikow announces he’ll run for another term

West Bend Mayor Kraig Sadownikow welcomed Deputy Mayor Sawyer Lichtensteiger, 12, to his office this week. It was part of a ‘Mayor for the Day’ auction item at this year’s St. Francis Cabrini Auction.

Lichtensteiger took at seat at the mayor’s desk and questioned Sadownikow on a number of things including how much money he made as mayor  (averages about $8 an hour), what he did in his real life (runs a construction management company), and his favorite part of the job (getting a genuine ‘thank you’).

The Mayor gave Lichtensteiger a primer on politics. “The mayor is a 3-year term in office,” said Sadownikow. “In April 2017 I would have completed my sixth year in office.” Lichtensteiger asked Sadownikow if he would run again to which the mayor replied, “It’s very likely I will be running again.”

John Hemauer retires as WB Water Utility Manager

Friday was the last day on the job for John Hemauer, the Water Utility Manager with the city of West Bend. Hemauer started his 31-year career with the city as Water Utility Maintenance on March 18, 1985. He became Operations Coordinator at the Water Utility in October 2010 and was promoted Water Utility Manger in April 2012.

Hemauer’s last day on the job was July 29, 2016. What will retirement hold, well Hemauer will likely be seen at more high school sporting events as he is a WIAA certified baseball umpire and referee for football and basketball. The city has posted the job for a Water Utility Manager. The position has a starting salary $61,750-87,750.  Applications will be accepted until August 2, 2016.

Final installment of property taxes due

Sunday, July 31 the final 2015 installment is due for property owners that pay semi-annual property taxes in West Bend/Washington County.  The final payment will be made to the Washington County Treasurer and because July 31 falls on a Sunday the final payment can actually be made as late as Monday, August 1.

There will be no penalty, interest or late fee if the payment is made on August 1, 2016. The County Treasurers office is located in the Washington County Courthouse, 432 E. Washington Street and it’s open from 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

WB City Administrator candidates trimmed to five

Watch for an announcement Monday that the field of candidates for West Bend city administrator has been trimmed to five. Following Monday night’s meeting the council went into closed session. According to Mayor Kraig Sadownikow they narrowed the list of finalists.

“We had a lot of strong candidates apply for the post,” Sadownikow said. The city has been working with GovHR USA to try and fill the position. Sadownikow said about 28 or 29 candidates applied. The starting salary range: $95,000–$125,000 +/-DOQ.

The council is expected to review the candidates in the coming weeks. A final appointment is expected by mid-August. One of the confirmed candidates is Jay Shambeau, Planning and Parks Administrator at Washington County.  Shambeau had been Calumet County Administrator from June 2008 – April 2014 and prior to that he was Village Administrator in Kewaskum from July 2006 – June 2008.

The West Bend city administrator position opened in April after former city administrator T.J. Justice was tagged with felony charges of soliciting a minor for prostitution. Justice’s next hearing is August 12 in Waukesha County Court. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Anderson Commercial Group posts former Walgreens for sale

Signs for Anderson Commercial Group went up Thursday at the former Walgreens on S. Main Street and Decorah Road. The property is now being listed by Adam Williquette, Senior Vice President of Anderson Commercial Group.

Continental Properties owns the building which no longer has a lease with Walgreens. The past few years the owners have been looking for new tenants and Williquette said now they’ve decided to market the property for sale as well. The asking price is $1.6 million for sale and a lease rate of $15/ square foot triple net.

Walgreens closed its location at Decorah Road and Main Street in West Bend in 2010 after it completed construction of new stores on S. Main Street near Paradise Drive and on W. Washington Street. Williquette said he is “already talking with several prospects.”

Top prices paid at Washington Co. Junior Livestock Sale

Cool temperatures made for a comfortable night of bidding at the 47th annual Junior Livestock Auction at the Washington County Fair.

The top price per pound on the night went to Emily Groth from the Slinger FFA who pulled in a bid of $17 per pound for her 145 pound grand champion lamb.  Gehrings Meat Market cast the winning bid. Paul Loosen from the Wayne Crusaders pulled in $12.50 a pound for his 148 pound reserve champion lamb. A to Z Fencing was the winning bidder.

Joslynn Odermann from the Wayne Crusaders had an outstanding night as her 287 pound overall champion swine fetched $7.50 a pound from Jonco Industries. Odermann’s 237 pound swine topped all bids as Team Chesak bid $8.50 a pound.

In the beef category, Lillia Janz with Slinger FFA notched $4.50 a pound from Bunzel Meats for her 1,280 pound overall champion cross breed. But it was Adam Wolf from Slinger FFA that pulled in $5.25 a pound from Farmers Implement for his 1,582 pound HBR Dairy Champ.

Final numbers on the grand total for the evening are still being tabulated; those figures will be posted shortly. Final numbers from August 2014 – show a record year at the Junior Livestock Meat Animal Sale as $244,932 was raised topping the 2013 total of $210,000.

New LED sign for Regner Park

A new LED message sign is being proposed for the entrance to Regner Park. The sign is about $44,000 and is being financed in part by the West Bend Noon Rotary.  The design will be reviewed during the upcoming Plan Commission meeting in August.

Updates & tidbits

The Jingle Bell Open is Monday, August 1 at West Bend Lakes Golf Course. Registration is 10 a.m. This is the primary fundraiser for the West Bend Community Christmas Parade.

– Forward Dental in West Bend is hosting a ribbon cutting / open house on Wednesday, August 3 from 4:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

– Sculpture Feast, a culinary, art and music experience is Saturday, August 6 at Regner Park from 4:15 p.m. – 9 p.m. The Feast at 6 p.m. features The Norbert, Café Soeurette and West Bend Tap & Tavern.  Cost is $35 per person or $25 for members of West Bend Friends of Sculpture. Tickets available at or call Shawn at 262-644-9600.

-The Kettle Moraine YMCA is partnering with Paradise Springs Fitness to offer a new type of premiere personal training system that provides proven results. Sign up today as classes get underway Sept. 6.

-The Allenton Picnic is August 20 and 21.

-A big round of applause for Steiner Electric who fixed the lights in the marquee at the Downtown West Bend Theatre. Rob Steiner stepped up along with Kevin Zimmer who helped supply the replacement bulbs and they got the job done!

– Long-time West Bender Richard Burt won a 2016 custom-built Valenti Corvette Vendetta this week from WTMJ Radio during its 2016 Classic Free Ride giveaway. The Burts lived in West Bend for years and their kids went to the West Bend High Schools.

-Family Dollar, 1519 W Washington St. in West Bend is closing and a new Dollar Tree will be opening in its place. Family Dollar was bought out a year ago by Dollar Tree. This will be the second Dollar Tree store in West Bend; the other store is located in the Paradise Mall.

– West Bend High School Class of 1948 will hold its summer luncheon at Top of the Ridge, 113 Cedar Ridge Drive on August 20 at 12 p.m. Cost is $15. Call Dick at 438-5951 or Pat at 438-5938 for reservations.

West Bend woman dies at 109  

Blanche Schuelke passed away Tuesday morning, July 26 at the age of 109. Her family said she passed comfortably and at peace.

“I’m so sad that she’s gone but very excited for her to see my grandpa, her parents, and her childhood dog named Mimsie,” said granddaughter Elizabeth Grimm. “I smile thinking about how she is with her grandfather of whom she called her best friend.”

Schuelke lived her entire life in West Bend.  She built a house on S. Eighth Avenue and was very active in the community. She was a member of the Apostolate of Suffering, a long-time member of the West Bend Woman’s Club, beginning in 1935, a member of the St. Joseph’s Hospital Auxiliary of which she was a charter member of the original guild in 1937, the Washington County Historical Society, the West Bend Art Museum of which she was a receptionist from 1974 until 1995 and the DSHA High School in Milwaukee Alumni Association.

“Grandma was an angel on earth for us all and will continue to be in heaven,” said Grimm.

Erin Ciriacks cleaned house for Schuelke. She wrote Blanche was, “Quite the spitfire….fabulous woman! I remember her telling us that she did 2 crossword puzzles a day, that she barely had to take any medications, and that every once in awhile she would dance alone in her living room. I think we could all learn a little something from her…keep your mind and heart active and make sure to every once in awhile let loose and dance!”

A Mass of Christian Burial will be held Monday, August 1, 2016 at 11 a.m. at Holy Angels Catholic Church with Rev. Patrick Heppe presiding. Burial will follow in Holy Angels Cemetery.

On a history note:

-Blanche Schuelke was born in 1907 when Theodore Roosevelt was President of the United States.

-The Mayor of West Bend in 1907 was Albert Gray and Daniel McLane was principal of the West Bend grade and high school.

-Blanche Schuelke was 2 years old when William Taft made a surprise stop in West Bend.

-The hot topic in West Bend in 1907 was construction of a city waterworks and sewage treatment plants. According to a paragraph in Dorothy Williams book, “The Spirit of West Bend,” the “local Board of Health had tried for years to convince the Council that the private wells and privies were a continual health hazard.”

-In 1907 juvenile theft and crime was a huge problem in West Bend. The local paper printed the young offenders refused to go to school and “were in all kinds of devilment.” Some of the pranks, according to Dorothy Williams, “tearing up the wooden sidewalks.”

-When Blanche Schuelke was 5 years old the first airplane to make an appearance in West Bend came to the County Fair. According to Dorothy Williams, “The highly-touted plane flew 40 feet and crashed ignominiously.”

Remembering the Washington County Fair

Lillian Moritz Oelhafen, 99, is a local historian from Kohlsville. A small woman with an easy smile, Oelhafen is sharp and recently recalled her early years at the Washington County Fair.

“Oh I remember the fair,” said Oelhafen. “I remember when it was held on a 25-acre plot on the northeastern part of the city of West Bend, known as Fair Park.”

Oelhafen attended the fair as a child in the 1920s. She remembers growing up in Kohlsville how she would go to the fair with her family.

“It was very dusty,” said Oelhafen. “There was always a dark man with a good suit on and he was standing where you entered the fair and he had a whisk broom and he would offer to brush the men’s suits because it was so dusty.”

Oelhafen said it was normal for families to go to the fair together. “They had rides like a Ferris wheel and merry go round,” she said. “And kids would show their animals.”

Oelhafen explained how she was 10 miles from West Bend and if kids showed their animals they would walk them to the fair. “They didn’t get trucked, they walked,” she said. “We got a ride – in a Ford car.”

For the women there were handicraft exhibits like crochet. “I participated in the baking and canning and I made strawberry and raspberry jelly,” she said. “Winners would get blue ribbons.”

Some of the entertainment included country singers at the grandstand but it was the horse races that were really popular. “They were very exciting and we had to pay separate admission to see those races,” she said.

Oelhafen doesn’t recall carnival games. She said there was a ball toss but the more popular event was a baseball game involving the West Bend Lithia team.  “My father Art Moritz was one of the big players,” said Oelhafen. “He was the catcher and the games always drew a big crowd.”

Oelhafen recalled the fair only ran two or three days. She said her favorite thing was “the recipes.

“They had a section where women brought their favorite recipes for cooking and baking and you always could get a copy and I really enjoyed that,” she said. “My mother Anna would make the best homemade bread, and kuchen,”

“I’d pick up recipes like a date cake, something that was different,” she said.

Chocolate cake and chicken noodle soup were some of Oelhafen’s specialties. “Yes… those were made with homemade noodles,” she said. “And I killed the chicken all by myself.”

“The chocolate cake was an old family recipe. You had hot water and you made your own chocolate with coco,” she said. Fair food hasn’t changed much. Oelhafen said they had cotton candy but Orange Crush, the soda – was her “favorite.”

The 157th annual Washington County Fair runs through July 31. Photo courtesy History Center Washington County.



0825, 30 July 2016


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