Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

2125, 14 Sep 16

Obama Appoints Ron Johnson to U.N.

This is interesting.

President Barack Obama has named U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, as one of two U.S. representatives to the United Nations General Assembly in New York City.

The assembly, which convenes each September, is the main decision-making body for the U.N. and includes representatives from all 193 member nations.

On the merits, it’s a good choice by Obama. Johnson knows his stuff and will represent America’s interests well. On the politics, it is curious that Obama would appoint a Republican Senator from a battleground state. My guess is that Obama wants to get him off the campaign trail as the election nears.

I would note that in 18 years as Wisconsin’s senator, Russ Feingold was never trusted with anything important.


2125, 14 September 2016


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