Boots & Sabers

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0935, 03 Oct 16

SCOTUS Rejects Doe Appeal

Finally. Now let the prosecutions of the prosecutors begin for their egregious abuse of power.

Madison — The John Doe investigation of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign is over.

In a terse order, the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected a request by Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm to take up litigation that stopped the probe last year. That ends the long-stalled investigation.

The order was issued less than three weeks after documents were leaked that showed the extent to which the Republican governor and his aides worked closely with a supposedly independent group on recall elections. The documents included details about large donations from those who benefitted from laws approved by Walker and GOP lawmakers.

Chisholm, a Democrat, launched the probe in 2012 based on information turned up in an earlier investigation of Walker aides and associates that resulted in six convictions, ranging from misconduct in office for campaigning on county time to stealing from a veterans fund. Walker was not charged in that investigation.


0935, 03 October 2016


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