Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1736, 10 Dec 16

Jennifer Lawrence’s Ass Topples Sacred Rock


Lawrence, who won an Oscar for her role in the 2012 film Silver Linings Playbook, had told the BBC presenter she had been filming in a location where there were “sacred rocks”.

“You’re not supposed to sit on them because you’re not supposed to expose your genitalia to them,” she said.

“I, however, was in a wetsuit for this whole shoot so – oh my God, they were so good for butt-itching. One rock that I was butt-scratching on ended up coming loose.

“It was a giant boulder and it rolled down this mountain and almost killed our sound guy.”

She added: “His whole station got destroyed, it was a huge dramatic deal and all the Hawaiians were like ‘Oh my god, it’s the curse’. And I’m round the corner going, ‘I’m your curse – I wedged it loose with my ass’.”


1736, 10 December 2016


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