Boots & Sabers

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2330, 27 Mar 17

Trump to Roll Back Climate Change Regulations


Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump will sign a sweeping executive order Tuesday at the Environmental Protection Agency, which looks to curb the federal government’s enforcement of climate regulations by putting American jobs above addressing climate change.

The order represents a clear difference between how Trump and former President Barack Obama view the role the United States plays in combating climate change, and dramatically alters the government’s approach to rising sea levels and temperatures — two impacts of climate change.
A White House official briefed on the plan said Monday the administration believes the government can both “serve the environment and increase energy independence at the same time” by urging the EPA for focus on what the administration believes is its core mission: Clean air and clean water.
More important than regulating climate change, the official said, is protecting American jobs.

2330, 27 March 2017


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    It’s about time we put a fork in this religious cult.

  2. billphoto

    According to an Energy Department analysis released in January, coal mining now accounts for fewer than 75,000 U.S. jobs. Renewable energy — including wind, solar and biofuels — accounts for more than 650,000 jobs BUT the Energy Department forgot to mention that wind, solar and biofuels are subsidized by taxpayers.  Without our cash, would there be any jobs?

    Good example of Obama’s idea of an economic recovery.

  3. Le Roi du Nord

    Coal mining is also subsidized by the tax payers.  You can look it up..

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