Boots & Sabers

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0730, 06 Apr 17

Nikki Haley Gets Shabby Treatment by Feminists

Kudos to Haley for going to a hostile environment and representing herself well. Can you imagine how the media would be yammering about the “hostile culture” and “decline of civility” if Hillary Clinton or someone got this kind of treatment at CPAC?

Asked about her approach to dealing with dictators in her new role, the former South Carolina governor said that her goal was to “call them out when they do something wrong” and to “work with them when you can.”

“Get to the next panel!” an audience member shouted in response.

It was not exactly a shock that a member of the Trump administration would receive a less-than-warm welcome from a room full of people who’d paid to hear speakers like Hillary Clinton and Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards discuss feminism for three days, but Haley managed to carry on with the interview unfazed, telling Van Susteren that she has no regrets about taking on the U.N. job.

“Everyone was waiting to see what the U.S. was going to do,” she said. “What we have to do is lead.”

After Haley finished, Women in the World founder Tina Brown addressed the “boisterous reception” for Haley and commended the ambassador for showing up.

“We often complain and sneer and say Republicans never want to come on any kind of forum except Fox News or places where they can be, you know, asked questions that are soft,” Brown said, adding that Haley “graciously” remained calm amid the heckling. “She didn’t get agitated about it, and she’s in the middle of a lot of world crises.”


0730, 06 April 2017


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