Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

2110, 11 Apr 17

Cuban Government Cracks Down on Opponents

But I thought that normalizing relations with Cuba was going to usher in a new era of freedom and prosperity for the Cuban people? Did I get that wrong?

Havana (AFP) – Cuban dissidents planning to run in the communist country’s local elections in November have been arrested, threatened and otherwise harassed by the authorities, one of their leaders said Tuesday.

At least five would-be candidates have been charged with crimes such as robbery, had their property seized, or been threatened with losing their jobs, said Manuel Cuesta Morua, spokesman for the opposition Unity Roundtable for Democratic Action (MUAD).

“They (the authorities) are taking preventive measures so that no independent citizen who doesn’t fit their agenda can run,” he told AFP.

The local elections in November kick off an electoral cycle that will ultimately decide the successor to President Raul Castro.


2110, 11 April 2017


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Liberals embracing liberal thugs.

    A story as old as civilization.


  2. Le Roi du Nord

    “They (the authorities) are taking preventive measures so that no independent citizen who doesn’t fit their agenda can run,”>

    Sounds just like the R’s in WI.

  3. Kevin Scheunemann

    Oh Nord,

    1 example?  Nobody can stoop worse than institutional socialism like Cuba.

  4. billphoto

    Uh, oh  Mr. Nord.  You need to tell 
    State Superintendent Tony Evers that he does not fit the R’s agenda so he can’t run.

  5. Kevin Scheunemann

    Didn’t think Nord was brave enough to provide a bigger thuggish example than what liberal communist Cuba does to human rights.   Remember Obama loves Cuba.  Liberals yearn to be backwards Cuba.

    His liberal philosophy is the enemy of human rights.


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