Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1653, 18 Jun 17

Clarke Rescinds Application For DHS Job


Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke has “rescinded his acceptance” of an offer to join the Trump administration, a spokesman says.

Clarke announced in a radio interview last month that he had accepted an offer to become an assistant secretary in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. He said the position was in the Office of Partnership and Engagement as a liaison with state, local and tribal law enforcement.

But the agency never publicly announced the position.

In a statement late Saturday, Clarke spokesman Eric O’Keefe said the sheriff notified Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly on Friday that he would not accept the offer.

It looks like Clarke got out ahead of his skis on this one.


1653, 18 June 2017


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    This is good.

    We can’t leave Milwaukee in hands of soft on crime Tom Barrett & Company….it will become a liberal Chicago killling field.

  2. Le Roi du Nord

    Yup, just left the inmates die from neglect in the County jail instead.

    Just curious; do you understand the differences in roles and responsibilities between the mayor of the City of Milwaukee, and the sheriff of the County of Milwaukee?

    And who is the “we” you speak of?  You don’t live in Milwaukeeso why interfere ?

  3. billphoto

    I wonder what the real story is here.  To me, something seems a little off.

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