Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1428, 03 Sep 17

Cops Refuse to Hold Flag at Browns Game

Good for them.

Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association President Stephen Loomis said his officers will not hold the American flag as planned for the Browns‘ regular-season opener because players knelt during the national anthem during a preseason game last month.

“When management allows you to do those things, then that’s on them,” Loomis said, per Kaylee Remington of “It’s hypocritical of the Browns management and ownership to want to have an armed forces first-responder day and have us involved in it when they allow their players to take a knee during the national anthem. That’s the very representation of what we stand for. That’s why we aren’t going to.”

Cops have a right to sit out supporting the Browns too. If the owners aren’t willing to enforce some decorum on their employees, then let them hold their own flag.


1428, 03 September 2017


  1. Kevin Scheunemann


    It’s about time we fight back against these anti-America liberals.

  2. kjanz1899

    It’s funny that even the Browns won’t sign Kaepernick.

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