Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

0938, 07 Sep 17

Leah Vukmir Announces for U.S. Senate


State Senator Leah Vukmir tells Dan that she will challenge Democrat Tammy Baldwin in next year’s U.S. Senate election
Follow the link to hear Vukmir’s interview with WISN’s Dan O’Donnell.
Vukmir has been a rock of conservatism in the Wisconsin legislature for many years. I wholeheartedly support her.

0938, 07 September 2017


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    I like this candidate a lot.   She is a proven conservative.

  2. Rep Bob Gannon

    There is no “maybe” about Leah being a conservative. She will lead in Washington like she did in Madison, and that is from a conservative position.


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