Boots & Sabers

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1528, 11 Sep 17

Gordon Hintz Running to Lead State Assembly Democrats

Heh. Seems appropriate.

The 43-year-old sits on the Joint Finance Committee and has been a key Assembly Dem voice on the budget and other issues. But he also faced a difficult re-election in 2014 as Republicans targeted him over a 2011 citation at a massage parlor that was later shut down for prostitution.

Hitnz’s announcement comes the day after Barca, D-Kenosha, announced he would resign at month’s end.

The state GOP immediately hit Hintz over the 2011 citation as well as yelling, “You’re (expletive) dead!” at then-GOP Rep. Michelle Litjens during the floor debate on Act 10.


1528, 11 September 2017

1 Comment

  1. billphoto

    Sounds like the perfect candidate to represent the Democratic Party.  Surely the likes of Gwen Moore, Maxine Waters, et al will attend his election to such a prestigious position.  This is good for our Republican legislature as, despite their failures, will benefit from Mr. Hintz being the face of Democrats in Wisconsin.  Oh, oh.  Did I just commit a microagression?

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