Boots & Sabers

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0636, 06 Oct 17

Fearless Girls Paid Less

How funny.

The statue of a young girl staring down Wall Street’s famous stock market bull was installed to draw attention to gender inequality and the pay gap in the corporate world.

But in an ironic twist the firm behind the Fearless Girl statue will pay $5m (£3.8m; €4.3m) in a row over equal pay.

State Street Global Advisors (SSGA) has been accused by the US Department of Labor of paying hundreds of female executives less than male colleagues.

The firm denies the claims.

It said it wanted to bring an end to the matter.

The fund manager will pay the settlement to more than 300 senior female staff which were paid less than their male counterparts, according to the Department of Labor.


0636, 06 October 2017


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