Boots & Sabers

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1925, 21 Dec 17

Illinois Drops to 6th Largest State As People Flee to Other States

Gee, I wonder why.

Illinois is no longer the fifth-largest state in the U.S., according to data released Dec. 20 by the U.S. Census Bureau. That title now belongs to Pennsylvania.

Census officials confirmed Illinois lost its spot as the fifth-largest state in the wake of Pennsylvania’s modest population growth.

Illinois shrank by 33,700 people from July 2016 to July 2017, the worst decline of any state in the U.S. in raw terms. In percentage terms, Illinois saw the third-worst population decline in the nation. That brought the 2017 population estimate for Illinois to 12,802,023 people.


This marks the fourth consecutive year of population decline in Illinois. Only West Virginia has seen more consecutive years of population decline, with five.


The Census data reveal the cause of Illinois’ shrinking population: heavy losses of Illinoisans to other states.

From July 2016 to July 2017, nearly 115,000 Illinoisans left for other states on net, according to the Census data.

Since 2010, Illinois has lost nearly 643,000 people on net to other states. That’s equivalent to the population of the four largest cities outside Chicago combined: Aurora, Rockford, Joliet and Naperville.


1925, 21 December 2017


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Can we call IL the “Venezuela socialist hell” of the U.S.?

  2. jjf

    That’ll happen when you have a Republican Governor who won’t budge (or budget) and a Democratic legislature. Gee, isn’t polarization great? What’ll happen in Wisconsin if the government isn’t unanimous?

  3. Paul

    People were leaving Illinois long before Rauner was sworn in less than three years ago.

    Not too sharp this morning, I see. Lay off the rum.

  4. jjf

    “Illinois shrank by 33,700 people from July 2016 to July 2017, the worst decline of any state in the U.S. in raw terms.”

  5. Paul

    And 643k left since 2010.

    Maybe Santa Claus will bring you a point. And a clue. Maybe he’ll stop by Oz for a brain, if he has time.

  6. kjanz1899

    Wonder how many people left Chicago since R took over as mayor

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