Boots & Sabers

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1702, 20 Apr 18

Complaint Against Gender-Neutral Bathrooms Tossed


In January, Mary Jo Walters, far-left activist and independent candidate for U.S. Senate (because ultra-liberal Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Madison, could use the competition), filed a discrimination complaint against the Rape Crisis Center in Madison. 

Walters’ liberal resume includes Wisconsin Capitol “occupier” during the left’s 2011 protests over Gov. Scott Walker’s public sector collective-bargaining reforms, a Democrat candidate for Wisconsin lieutenant governor in 2014, a grassroots activist in the campaign to legalize cannabis, and a self-described advocate of social justice issues.

Her allegation: That a November #MeTooMadison fundraiser for the Crisis Center, in an attempt to make all event-goers feel welcome, established “Gender-Neutral” bathrooms, according to documents obtained by MacIver News Service. 

The event, held at downtown Madison’s Majestic Theatre, featured the stories of sexual assault victims – in the spirit of the national #MeToo campaign to bring awareness and support to survivors of sexual violence. 

Walter’s complaint was eventually dismissed for lack of probable cause.

In her original complaint, filed with Madison’s Department of Civil Rights and the Madison Equal Opportunities Commission, Walters wrote that having to use a gender-neutral bathroom was “upsetting emotionally, seeing it was at a rape event.” 

Walters’ criticism seems obvious, but perhaps we shouldn’t assume the gender of a potential rapist.


1702, 20 April 2018

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    The gender fluid left is re-victimizing the victims of sexual assault.

    Feminists are outraged their hard fought sex based protections are being undermined by leftist perversion.

    I enjoy watching this civil war among leftists.

    It’s almost as interesting as the other leftist civil war, when LGBTQ squirm when leftists embrace Muslims, who control 27 countries that execute open homosexuals.

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