Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

2049, 12 Jun 18

AMA Transitions to Political Organization

Yeah…. no

CHICAGO (AP) — With frustration mounting over lawmakers’ inaction on gun control, the American Medical Association on Tuesday pressed for a ban on assault weapons and came out against arming teachers as a way to fight what it calls a public health crisis.

At its annual policymaking meeting, the nation’s largest physicians group bowed to unprecedented demands from doctor-members to take a stronger stand on gun violence — a problem the organizations says is as menacing as a lethal infectious disease.

The action comes against a backdrop of recurrent school shootings, everyday street violence in the nation’s inner cities, and rising U.S. suicide rates.


2049, 12 June 2018

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    AMA has always been political. They just finally stopped lying about it.

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