Speaking of the enrollment… the Washington County Insider has more detail from the meeting last night. Here are the projections:
-When look at enrollment projections for facilities as district as a whole there are four methods. Baseline, 2 year projection, 5 year projection and the kindergarten-trend projects.
-Look out 10 years on baseline – the district would be down 772 students.
-Five year trend model indicates enrollment will decline as well by 840 odd students
-Two year trend – around 870 decline and kindergarten trend projection and that’s almost 1,350 students.
That’s anything from a 10% to a 20% decline in the next 10 years. That will also mean a decline in state funding since that is based on a per-pupil model. Why would the taxpayers buy new, bigger buildings? It would be like Sears building a new tower despite projections of a long term decline.