Boots & Sabers

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0818, 06 Aug 18

Baldwin Not Worried About Massive Tax Increases

Eh… whatever. It’s not like she’ll be forced into the socialized healthcare system.

Appearing Sunday on the “UpFront with Mike Gousha” television talk show, Baldwin said she wasn’t worried by the big price tag.


She admitted that a single-payer health care system would mean significant tax increases, but said it would also mean no more premiums.

“Prior to the Affordable Care Act, half of all U.S. bankruptcies had a health-care related cause. That’s a system that is broken,” she said.

Wasn’t Obamacare, which Baldwin supported and voted for, supposed to fix healthcare? It didn’t. It made it worse. But NOW we’re supposed to think that she has the answer?
No thanks. I trust people far more than I trust politicians. Let the market work.

0818, 06 August 2018


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    She acts like healthcare is the only priority in the economy.

  2. steveegg

    PlaceboCare was always but a stalking horse for full-on government-run health “care”.

  3. dad29

    Prior to the Affordable Care Act, half of all U.S. bankruptcies had a health-care related cause.

    That’s a typical (D)-Not-Accurate talking point.  Half of all US BK’s included debt to health-care providers in the filing.

    So what?

    At least half also had car debt, many had home mortgages, and damn near ALL had credit-card debt.

    But what usually was the cause?  Un- or under-employment.  Remember that “before ObozoCare” was also smack-dab midst the worst of the recession.


  4. Mark Hoefert

    A major reason that health care debts show in bankruptcy filings is because in the hierarchy of household expenses, that is the easiest one to defer payment on. The medical provider does not have much leverage to force payment.  A scan of the daily court filing index will show that the majority of filings in Small Claims court are from medical providers.  In mortgage foreclosure filings, it is not unusual to see at least one medical provider listed as a defendant – the mortgage claim takes precedence over non secured debts.

    Don’t make your rent or mortgage? You will be faced with the issue of where to live.  In the case of a rental, the consequences will be immediate, with a mortgage the process stretches out.

    Don’t make your car payment?  Your car will be taken away.

    Fall behind on credit cards?  You will be forced to live on a cash basis. No ability to spend until the next paycheck arrives.  That could be a problem if you need to eat before then.

    Medical expenses? Usually by the time the bill shows up, the service has been provided many months before.  If the household is not facing any medical issues, that is a past bill that is pretty much “bottom of mind”.


  5. MjM

    Beat me to it Dad…

    “Prior to the Affordable Care Act, half of all U.S. bankruptcies had a health-care related cause. That’s a system that is broken,” she said.

    A Baldwin-faced lie that has been proven such by several real studies and analyses.

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