Boots & Sabers

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2123, 18 Sep 18

Kavanaugh Accuser Won’t Testify

Um, no.

The woman who’s accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assaultwhen both of them were in high school will not testify before the FBI investigates the matter, one of her lawyers, Lisa Banks, said Tuesday night.

In a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley, reported first on CNN and obtained by ABC News, lawyers for professor Christine Blasey Ford, said “a full investigation by law enforcement officials will ensure that the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner, and that the Committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decisions.”

Grassley had invited both Ford and Kavanaugh to testify before the committee on Monday.

“There’s no reason to have a public hearing Monday. This is being rushed through. It’s too important. It’s not a game. This is a serious situation,” Banks said on CNN.

The tactic here is transparent. Delay, delay, delay. The Democrats want to delay the vote until after the November elections in hopes that they win a majority in the Senate and can spike any Trump nominee from serving. They will keep moving the goal posts and making new demands until November 7th.

On the merits… even if her accusation was credible, which it is not, it is not a federal crime and the statute of limitations has run out. It is an unprovable accusation after 36 years and it is impossible for the accused to prove a negative. That’s why it makes for the perfect character assassination tool.

Take the vote.


2123, 18 September 2018


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    There is nothing to this other than smearing a decent family man.

    Liberals should be ashamed.

  2. jjf

    Sen. Ron Johnson thinks she should be heard. So does Sen. Tammy Baldwin, and so does candidate Leah Vukmir.

  3. Jason

    >Sen. Ron Johnson thinks she should be heard. So does Sen. Tammy Baldwin, and so does candidate Leah Vukmir.

    Great!  I’m guessing Ford knows that… and she’s the only one I’ve seen saying “No”.  What’s your point jjf?

  4. Kevin Scheunemann

    She is being given a chance to be heard. If she can’r swear under oath to her baseless assertions, end of issue.

    This is way more than Juanita Broderick or Paula Jones got when it came to serial predator Bill Clinton.

    Conservatives are way more pro woman than liberals. Under liberal control victims of liberals get no say.

  5. Le Roi du Nord

    Why not let the FBI do their job and settle it once and for all?  What are you afraid of, that the FBI would find out her  “baseless assertions” aren’t really baseless?

    “Conservatives are way more pro woman than liberals. Under liberal control victims of liberals get no say”.   Do you ever think before you type?

  6. Jason

    >Why not let the FBI do their job and settle it once and for all

    It’s not their job, for one.  Why not ask the CIA to to do it?  Or the Mossad?   You claim you’re an elected official, and you don’t understand the FBI’s job duties?  Shame on your electorate.

  7. dad29

    Under liberal control victims of liberals get no say”.   Do you ever think before you type?

    Ask Gennifer Flowers.  Or Ms. Broaddrick.  Or Ms. Kopechne ….ooops….she’s dead from Liberal treatment, can’t ask her…..

    Or the woman who filed a POLICE REPORT on Gore’s attempted rape in Portland, OR.

    Go ahead.  Ask them.

    Or better yet:  think before you post.

  8. Le Roi du Nord


    You are right of course, they aren’t the federal law enforcement agency housed in the DoJ.  Maybe trump can assign the Keystone Cops.  That be right up you alley.

    dud:  I’m fine with investigating those allegations.  Oh wait, they were…..

  9. Jason

    >That be right up you alley.

    Don’t your constituents have an expectation that you understand writing and grammar?  I mean after all, you’re always on other people’s case around here about it…  dumbass.

  10. jjf

    Insults != argument.

  11. Le Roi du Nord


    My bad, and I apologize.  Now get that from k as well.  He makes far more mistakes than I.  Or is the double standard your lodestar?

  12. Paul

    Fuck off, gramps. Hopefully your piece of shit kids shut your wrinkled ass in the nursing home.

  13. Jason

    >My bad, and I apologize.  Now get that from k as well. 

    Irony is lost on you.  I was pointing out how ridiculous it is for you to point out and question K’s grammar and spelling mistakes.  You do it over and over.  I long gave up on worrying about other people’s spelling and grammar mistakes online.   Hopefully you grow up some day.

  14. jjf

    I dunno Jason, can you see any other examples of poor behavior around here that you could help detect and correct?

  15. Jason

    Nah, not interested in trying to “detect and correct” anything online that is not illegal.  I just like the delicious irony of some jackass who takes pains to point out grammar and spelling errors on others, falling prey to his own simple mistakes.


    But yeah, keep fighting the good internet fight, I can tell the World Wide Wed is a better place due to your (and LeRoy’s) hard work.

  16. jjf

    Some people can’t spell or use poor grammar because of lack of education and a simple lack of concern for being correct.  They literally don’t care.

    There are people in the world who think that sort of precision matters; that it shows a concern for correctness in all things.

    When you see that unconcerned person trying to make an argument with similarly poor logic and disregard for simple facts, or seeming deliberate blinders, it’s not hard to make the connection.  Is it fair?  Perhaps not.

    I’ve known people who do a fine job in their blue-collar careers who may not be able to read or write very well.  Would I hire them to write press releases?  Of course not.

    If I used sloppy grammar and made spelling errors, do you think there would be anyone on this site who’d attack me for that?  Your blinders prevent you from seeing the personal insults that are hurled here on a daily basis?

    World Wide Wed 

    I see what you did there.

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