Boots & Sabers

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1125, 24 Sep 18

Rosenstein Quits

This is for the best. His leadership and the public have lost trust in him. His position was untenable.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to Chief of Staff John Kelly out of anticipation President Donald Trump will fire him, it was reported Monday.

‘He’s expecting to be fired,’ a source told Axios, which reported his firing.

The White House has accepted his resignation, a source told Bloomberg News.

Rosenstein is in route to the White House Monday morning to meet with Kelly. Trump is in New York for the U.N. General Assembly meeting.


1125, 24 September 2018


  1. Merlin

    So… who burned Rosenstein with the 25th Amendment story? And why would Rosenstein tender his resignation to Kelly when his immediate superior is Sessions? This story stinks like week old gym socks.

  2. dad29

    The rumor was that McCabe burned Rosenstein.

    All the rats are turning on each other to save their own butts.  But–use caution–this story is NOT CONFIRMED.

  3. MjM

    Wizard asks: when his immediate superior is Sessions?

    Better question: Why is Sessions not investigating the 25th amendment story?

    Even better question:  Where the hell is Sessions on anything?

    And, apparently, Rosenstein has NOT resigned or been fired…. yet.


  4. Merlin

    Rosenstein is looking at an IG’s investigation no matter what happens and neither Sessions or Trump has a formal role in initiating one. Horowitz has been a straight up guy to date and so far he’s been left alone to do his thing.

    Trump ought to just send Rosenstein back to his office with a drop dead date for release of those newly declassified documents, along with all the others he’s been slow-walking and let Rosenstein and his friends twist in the wind for a while longer.

  5. MHMaley

    Trump’s lawyers are begging him to wait until after the mid terms
    to do anything with Rosenstein .
    Since he acts entirely in his own self interest , expect that nothing will happen
    On Thursday .

    My question is why the President or his supporters would believe anything written in the Fake News and failing NYT or from a fired FBI person he described as a liar .

  6. Paul

    Try again, red nose.

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