Boots & Sabers

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0702, 02 Oct 18

Evers’ failed logic and Cedarburg’s folly

My column for the Washington County Daily News is online. Here’s a taste, but you’ll need to pick up a paper today to read the whole thing.

Where Evers’ logic fails is if the fact that some school districts passed referendums is evidence of an overall desire to increase taxes, then the opposite must also be true. The fact that the vast majority of school districts did not pass a referendum must be evidence that there is not an overall desire to increase taxes. The fact is only a small minority of the 421 school districts in Wisconsin have passed a referendum in recent years. Many of them have not even propositioned the voters with the question. If a majority of districts did not pass a referendum, would it not stand to reason that the majority of voters do not want a tax increase?


0702, 02 October 2018

1 Comment

  1. Merlin

    Evers knows that logic is lost on his base, so why bother? He has to communicate in tired language they understand, careful not to introduce new terms or innovative concepts. His slow speaking cadence is not accidental.

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