Boots & Sabers

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2138, 20 Oct 18

Hondurans Return Home

Key phrase: “”organized with political purposes and low deceptions.” Yup

2,000 migrants return to Honduras, foreign ministry says

In a press release, the Honduran Foreign Ministry said 2,000 people in the migrant caravan have now returned to Honduras from the Guatemala border with Mexico.

In addition, the foreign ministry says 400 more Hondurans in the caravan will be on their way back.

The foreign ministry said in the release the “atypical and irregular mobilization… was organized with political purposes and low deceptions.”

Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández also promised an offer of jobs and other type of aid to those who return to the country.


2138, 20 October 2018


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Why the leftist Honduran government does not fix itself to begin with and embrace free markets…the disease of liberalism needs to pay for all the backwards socialist countries it causes.

  2. dad29

    After 3-4 weeks of Hispanic-voter support slowly fading away from the Democrat blue wave, (mid-Sep through mid-Oct.,) suddenly there’s a caravan!!

    Think it’s a bad mosquito season, or something?

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